eutectic point

  • 共晶点;低共熔点
eutectic pointeutectic point
  1. Application of eutectic point left movement theory in development of new type cast iron welding electrodes


  2. After variance analysis , the curves of eutectic point and the concentration were drawn .


  3. The analysis result indicates that the interaction of unlike atoms is strengthen in the the eutectic point .


  4. In the first stage ( large heating sublimation stage ), product temperature lower than the eutectic point of a range .


  5. Experience proves , supercooling phenomenon is easy to occur to make products temperature has reached the eutectic point .


  6. Calculation of the Phase Diagram Of SIO_2 - A1_2O_3 - Nd_2O_3 System and Eutectic Point


  7. The eutectic point of fresh snake meat is obtained with the method of measuring electric-resistivity .


  8. Theoretical calculation of the mole fraction for a binary system with a small mole fraction at the eutectic point


  9. In addition to that , C and Ti also affect the eutectic point and a phase of Al-Si alloys .


  10. The high carbon equivalent gray cast iron means the gray cast iron whose carbon equivalent is near the eutectic point .


  11. Study on Eutectic Point and Consolute Point of Frozen-Dried Bananas


  12. Experimental studies are conducted for electric resistivity method to determine the eutectic point of sea buckthorn fruit at different mature degree precisely .


  13. Obviously , the manufacturer should know the eutectic point and have the necessary instrumentation to assure the uniformity of product temperatures .


  14. A steel that contains 0.9 % carbon ( the eutectic point in the iron-carbon system ); a carbon steel with 0.9 % carbon is pure pearlite .


  15. The structural parameter of Al-Si alloy changed abnormally at the eutectic point , reflecting the changing process of melt structural from hypoeutectic to hypereutectic alloy .


  16. With increasing of the Fe content , the porosity curve varied as a " V " type , the lower-most point correspond to eutectic point ;


  17. The compound composition of the diffusion layer was determined experimentally and the eutectic point of Nb-Ti - Cu was found to be at 780 ± 3 ℃ .


  18. It is found with Heating Microscop that the granularity , carbon content , cobalt content of tungsten carbide are related to the temperature of liquid phase emerging and eutectic point .


  19. The latter can be achieved by the reasonable alloy design that involve multi-components , high ratio of atom radius , large negative blending heat , composition with low melting point or low eutectic point .


  20. If proper inoculation is used for the liquid iron before casting malleable cast iron of ferritic matric by only annealing the white cast iron at temperature below eutectic point , 760 , for 20-30 hours .


  21. The calculation results show that there is high glass forming ability in Zr_ 66.67 ( Ni_xAl_yCu_z ) _ 33.33 quaternary alloy system . The glass forming range is near eutectic point in which critical cooling rates are less than 100 K / s.


  22. For the 9 binary organic systems having the phase diagram with an eutectic point , we calculated the phase diagrams and their values of the eutectic point ( T_0 , x_ ( B_0 )) . These results agree well with the experimental values .


  23. For the " Cigar type " Phase diagram and the Phase diagram with an eutectic point , the inequalities which must be satisfied by the parameters ( W_L , W_s , V_L and v_s ) are discussed . Using these inequalities the ranges of the parameters arc greatly reduced .


  24. Amount of iron phase can reduce the eutectic melting point of the system , increase the liquid content , reduce the liquid viscosity and effectively accelerate the migration of mineral ions to promote the formation and growth of the mineral .


  25. Eutectic and co-melting point of different materials were determined by DSC , and the effect of different solutes on the Eutectic and co-melting point of materials were discussed .


  26. The eutectic temperature and eutectic point of Momordica charantia juice were measured by using a simple apparatus .


  27. The result shows that all these systems are simple eutectic , at the same time , the entropy of phase change of every system in the eutectic point is determined by using differential scanning calorimetry ( DSC ) .
